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Chez Fur Fiber Farm is a working fiber farm. We raise alpacas, goats, sheep and rabbits for their fiber. That fiber is processed at the farm and turned into yarn and finished garments. The other animals on the farm, mini donkeys, geese, and turkeys are freeloaders and are just on the farm to look pretty.
Our gift shop is filled with hand made items by Kim, Bob or by one of our daughters, Alyssa and Kristy.

The Farm is located at 15470 Highway 9 · Malvern and is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
It is FREE to visit the animals and learn about their care and feeding

Home of the "Giant Red Chair"

See an alpaca, be an alpaca.
Kids - are you strong enough to ring the bell?
Try out your musical talent (or lack of) on our xylophone.
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